The practice of conventional therapeutics which involves the throwing of a ‘bomb’ in the form of an antibiotic, or an antifungal or hormonal or chemotherapeutic drug in to the human body has been proven to be dangerous and it has been established through countless research papers that it has dire long term consequences for the human organism who receives such a bomb. The question is: is it correct to think that one of the main sources of the destruction of the human race is the unwise use of chemical drugs? if the answer is yes then we have to see what it can be done in order to detract from this wrong course of action. It is therefore obvious that as long as moral laws are not applied, the world will not move towards evolution and the creation of a ‘new human being with higher conscience’ but on the contrary will go on a chaotic and morally degrading process where the law of the jungle will finally prevail and the destruction of the human race will be guaranteed.Ĭountless wise individuals throughout history have resisted this law of the jungle is trying to uplift human conscience and make societies realize the dangers of such mentality and methodologies.Īpart from the ammunitions of mass destruction in which we may witness the catastrophic effect of the law of the jungle in action, the second worse application of this law we witness in conventional medicine through the use of chemical drugs. Humans have the possibility to destroy the human race to annihilate it from the face of the earth. Technological advancement should have been therefore the means of helping the evolution of humans, and not become the means of their destruction as we see today happening in the world.
Humans are the only living creatures in the world that have the possibility of choosing either to create or to destroy. Help for the weak and the needy, support of one another, individual freedom, respect for each other and respect of human laws was deemed to be the correct decisions for humans. All this effort was the result of painful human experience throughout history, precisely in order not to allow the ‘law of the jungle’ to prevail upon humanity.Īll these ideas were established not only in order to make possible the survival of the human race, but also to give the possibility for evolution and spiritual development.
Human society, on the other hand, has since long decided to go against this ‘law of nature’, and establish the moral law were the ‘right’ the ‘useful’ and the ‘just’ should prevail according to human values. On the contrary, according to the second law of thermodynamics nature is always tending to entropy, bringing about a chaotic situation, inertia and the lowest state of consciousness. Nature is not interested in ennobling species, in evolving them or making them more useful for humans. If we abandon a garden in which we cultivated useful fruit trees, we observe this ‘law’ in action within a few years these evolved species of trees become weak and eventually die, and their place is taken by wild plants and trees.
The law that exists in the natural world is expressed as the ‘right of the strongest’ or the ‘law of the jungle’ as it is more picturesquely expressed. Whether we like it or not conventional medicine implements the law of the strongest, the law of the jungle when tries to kill the bacteria by stronger and stronger drugs that have at the same time side effects by killing useful bacteria or damaging useful functions of the organism. In the same way that our contemporary societies practice or tolerate the law of the jungle in our social and military dealings, in the same manner, the same societies tolerate the same law in conventional medicine. Will health authorities take advantage of such an offer? The alternative therapies provide the non-violent non-aggressive solution in therapeutics.